- 贡献值
- 0
- 版主考核分
- 0
- 报道分
- 3390
- 最后登录
- 2018-6-26
“English Zone 版”版主
- 70691
- 精华
- 1
- 积分
- 43
- 金币
- 26501
- 推广币
- 0
- 在线时间
- 1802 小时
肾门 renal hilum
肾蒂 renal pedicle
肾窦 renal sinus
肾的位置 position of kidney
肾区 renal area
肾的构造 structure of kidney
肾皮质 renal cortex
肾柱 renal columns
肾髓质 renal medulla
肾锥体 renal pyramids
锥体底 base of pyramid
肾乳头 renal papillae
乳头孔 papillary foramina
肾叶 renal lobes
肾盂 renal pelvis
肾盏 renal calices
肾大盏 major renal calices
肾小盏 minor renal calices
肾的被膜 covering of kidney
纤维囊 fibrous capsule
脂肪囊 fatty renal capsule
肾筋膜 renal fascia
肾段 renal segments/ segments of kidney
输尿管 ureter
腹部 abdominal part
盆部 pelvic part
壁内部 intramural part
膀胱 urinary bladder
膀胱尖 apex of bladder
膀胱底 fundus of bladder
膀胱体 body of bladder
膀胱颈 neck of bladder
膀胱三角 trigone of bladder
输尿管口 ureteric orifice
尿道内口 internal urethral orifice
输尿管间襞 interureteric fold/ interureteric ridge
膀胱垂 vesical uvula
肌层 muscular layer
膀胱逼尿肌 detrusor of bladder
耻骨膀胱肌 pubovesical muscle
尿道 urethra
女尿道 female urethra
尿道嵴 urethral ridge/ urethral crest
尿道外口 external orifice of urethra
尿道腺 urethral glands
男性生殖系统 male reproductive system
男性生殖器 male internal genital organs
睾丸 testis/ testicle
睾丸的构造 structure of testis
白膜 tunica albuginea
睾丸纵膈 mediastinum testis
睾丸小隔 septula testis
睾丸小叶 lobules of testis
精曲小管 contorted seminiferous
精直小管 straight seminiferous tubules
睾丸网 rete testis
睾丸输出小管 efferent ductules of testis
附睾 epididymis
附睾头 head of epididymis
附睾体 body of epididymis
附睾尾 tail of epididymis
附睾管 duct of epididymis
输精管 ductus deferens/ vas deferens
睾丸部 testicular part
精索部 funicular part/ sepermatic part
腹股沟部 inguinal part
盆部 pelvic part
输精管壶腹 ampulla ductus deferentis
射精管 ejaculatory duct
精索 spermatic cord
精囊 seminal vesicle
排泄管 excretory duct |