- 贡献值
- 0
- 版主考核分
- 0
- 报道分
- 3390
- 最后登录
- 2018-6-26
“English Zone 版”版主
- 70691
- 精华
- 1
- 积分
- 43
- 金币
- 26501
- 推广币
- 0
- 在线时间
- 1802 小时
前列腺 prostate/ prostate gland
前列腺底 base of prostate
前列腺尖 apex of prostate
前列腺沟 prostatic sulcus
前列腺峡 isthmus of prostate
前列腺囊 prostatic capsule
前列腺鞘 prostatic sheath
尿道球腺 bulbourethral gland
男性外生殖器 male external genital organs
阴囊 scrotum
阴囊缝 raphe of scrotum/ scrotal raphe
阴囊中隔 septum of scrotum/ scrotal septum
肉膜 dartos coat
精索被膜 tunicae of spermatic cord
精索外筋膜 external spermatic fascia
提睾肌 cremaster
精索内筋膜 internal spermatic fascia
睾丸鞘膜 tunica vaginalis of testis
阴茎根 root of penis
阴茎体 body of penis
阴茎头 glans penis
阴茎颈 neck of penis
尿道外口 external orifice of urethra
阴茎海绵体 cavernous body of penis
阴茎脚 crus penis
尿道海绵体 cavernous body of urethra/ spongy body of penis
尿道球 bulb of urethra
阴茎头冠 corona glandis
阴茎海绵体白膜 albuginea of cavernous body of penis
尿道海绵体白膜 albuginea of cavernous body of urethra/ albuginea of spongy body of penis
阴茎包皮 prepuce of penis
包皮系带 frenulum of prepuce
男尿道 male urethra
前列腺部 prostatic part
尿道嵴 urethral ridge/ urethral crest
精阜 seminal colliculus
前列腺小囊 prostatic utricle
海绵体部 cavernous part/ spongy part
尿道舟状窝 cavicular fossa of urethra
尿道球部 bulbous part of urethra
尿道外口 external orifice of urethra
耻骨下弯 subpubic curvature
耻骨前弯 prepubic curvature
女性生殖系统 female reproductive system
女性内生殖器 female internal genital organs
卵巢 ovary
输卵管端 tubal extremity
子宫端 uterine extremity
独立缘 free border
卵巢系膜缘 mesovarian border
卵巢门 hilum of ovary
卵巢悬韧带 suspensory ligament of ovary
卵巢固有韧带 proper ligament of ovary
卵巢皮质 cortex of ovary
卵巢髓质 medulla of ovary
输卵管 uterine tube
输卵管漏斗 infundibulum of uterine tube
输卵管伞 fimbriae of uterine tube
卵巢伞 ovarian fimbria
输卵管腹腔口 abdominal orifice of uterine tube
输卵管壶腹 ampulla of uterine tube
输卵管峡 isthmus of uterine tube
子宫部 uterine part
输卵管子宫部 uterine orifice of uterine tube
子宫 uterus
子宫底 fundus of uterus |