- 贡献值
- 0
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- 报道分
- 3390
- 最后登录
- 2018-6-26
“English Zone 版”版主
- 70691
- 精华
- 1
- 积分
- 43
- 金币
- 26501
- 推广币
- 0
- 在线时间
- 1802 小时
纤维软骨联合 symphysis
骨性结合 synosteosis
滑膜关节 synovial joint
关节面 articular surface
关节软骨 articular cartilage
关节囊 articular capsule
纤维膜 fibrous membrane
滑膜 synovial membrane
滑膜襞 synovial fold
滑液 synovial fluid
关节腔 articular cavity
韧带 lagament(lig.)
囊外韧带 extracapsular lig.
囊内韧带 intracapsular lig.
关节盘 articular disc
关节半月板 articular meniscus
关节唇 articular labrum
屈 flexion
伸 extension
内收 adduction
外展 abduction
旋转 rotation
旋内 medial rotation
旋外 lateral rotation
旋前 pronation
旋后 supination
环转 circumduction
单关节 simple joint
复关节 compound joint
屈戌关节 (滑车关节) hinge joint
车轴关节 pivot joint/trochoid joint
椭圆关节(髁状关节) ellipsoid joint
鞍状关节 saddle joint/sellar joint
球窝关节 ball and socket joint
平面关节 plane joint
躯干骨连结 articulations of bones of trunk
脊柱 vertebral column
椎间联合 intervertebral symphysis
椎间盘 intervertebral discs
纤维环 annulus fibrosus
髓核 nucleus pulposus
前纵韧带 anterior longitudinul lig.
后纵韧带 posterior longitudinal lig.
椎骨连结 vertebral joint
弓间韧带(黄韧带) ligamenta flava
棘间韧带 interspinal lig.
棘上韧带 supraspinal lig.
项韧带 ligamentum nuchae
横突间韧带 intertransverse lig.
关节突关节 miaopuapophysial joints
腰骶连结 lumbosacral joint
骶尾关节 sacrococcygeal joint
寰枕关节 atlantooccipital joint
寰枢正中关节 median atlantoaxial joint
寰枢外侧关节 lateral atlantoaxial joint
颈曲 cervical curvature
胸曲 thoracic curvature
腰曲 lumbar curvature
骶曲 sacral curvature
胸廓 thoracic cage/compages of thorax
胸廓连结 thoracic joints
胸骨结合 sternal synchondrosis
剑胸结合 xiphisternal synchondrosis
肋椎关节 costovertebral joints
肋头关节 joint of costal head
肋横突关节 costotransverse joint
胸肋关节 sterncostal joints
第一胸肋结合 sternocostal synchondrosis of first rib
肋软骨连结 costochondral joints
软骨间连结 interchondral joints
胸廓上口(胸廓入口) superior aperture of thorax/inlet of thorax
胸廓下口(胸廓出口) inferior aperture of thorax/outlet of thorax
胸骨下角 infrasternal angle
肋间隙 intercostal space
上肢骨连结 Articulations of Upper Lim
上肢带连结 joints of shoulder girdle
胸锁关节 sternoclavicular joint
肩锁关节 arcromioclavicular joint
喙肩韧带 coracoacromial lig.
喙锁韧带 coracoclavicular lig. |