Yellowstone’s hidden moral disputes offer wider lessons to America, a country that is increasingly divided and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.
词汇突破:1. moral disputes 道德争论
2.Be keen on 执着于…
3.Tackle 处理,解决
4.Judicial 司法
5.quasi-judicial 准司法
(quasi-official body 半官方团体)
更多例句:Federal administrative bodies issue rules and regulations of a quasi-legislative character.
6.setting 环境 in research settings 在研究环境中
主干识别:Yellowstone’s hidden moral disputes offer wider lessons to America.
“A offers wider lessons to B”
其他成分: ,a country that is increasingly divided and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings. 同位语
微观分析: ,a country /that is increasingly divided/ and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.
1) America is a country.
2) America is increasingly divided.
3) America is unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.
刚开始读句子的时候切得细一些是有好处的,无论是对于句子的准确理解 和翻译都是有帮助的。
参考译文: 黄石公园中隐藏的道德之争给美国提供了更为宽泛的教训。美国变得 越来越分化,(或者译为:分歧越来越多)而且美国也异常执著于在司 法或准司法环境下处理复杂的伦理问题。
(知识提示: 很多时候道德和伦理问题不能简单的用司法手段来解决的,比如说安乐死,死刑、堕胎、枪支管理或气候变暖,甚至雾霾的治理,这里面都涉及到很多方面。但是美国人很执着于法律是万能的,现在美国人也意识到这个问题了,才有了这个句子。)