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标题: 每天一句:2015考研英语第十二句 [打印本页]

作者: 王慧    时间: 2014-3-25 16:47
标题: 每天一句:2015考研英语第十二句
TO GREENS, men like John Shimkus—the chairman of a congressional body that oversees work to curb air, soil and water pollution—represent a special sort of bogeyman(可怕的人). Mr Shimkus, a Republican from rural Illinois, is not just staunchly pro-industry, anti-regulation and skeptical of claims that man’s activities menace the planet. He also brings his Bible to work. At a hearing on greenhouse gases, he opened it and quoted God’s words to Noah after the Flood. “Never again will I destroy all living creatures,” God promised. This, said Mr Shimkus, was “infallible” proof that neither man’s actions nor rising flood waters will destroy the Earth. So let’s not worry too much about global warming.  
词汇突破:greens 环保人士
          Oversee 掌管,监管
          Curb 限制
          Body 机构
          Bogeyman 可怕的人
          Republican 共和党人
          claim 观点,申明,主张,
          be skeptical of claims that:(可以直接理解为:不认同…的主张; 当that后面的句子过长的时候可以直接翻译为:不认为…)
          hearing 听证会(昨天刚学的单词哦)
          staunchly 坚定地
          menace 威胁
          Noah 诺亚
          Infallible 确凿的,永远可靠地,不会失效的,不会犯错的。
句子解析:1. TO GREENS, men like John Shimkus—the chairman of a congressional body that
oversees work to curb air, soil and water pollution—represent a special sort of bogeyman(可怕的怪物).
句子主干:  men represent a special sort of bogeyman(可怕的怪物)
            定语:    like John Shimkus—the chairman of a congressional body that oversees work to curb air, soil and water pollution—(破折号里面是John Shimkus的同位语)
            TO GREENS,(对于环保人士而言) 状语
      John Shimkus,是掌管国会控制空气,土壤和水污染工作机构的主席,对于环保主义者而言,他这样的人代表着一类特别的怪物。
2. 3. Mr Shimkus, a Republican from rural Illinois, is not just staunchly pro-industry, anti-regulation and skeptical of claims that man’s activities menace the planet. He also brings his Bible to work.
4.5.  At a hearing on greenhouse gases, he opened it and quoted God’s words to Noah after the Flood. “Never again will I destroy all living creatures,” God promised.
6. 7. This, said Mr Shimkus, was “infallible” proof that neither man’s actions nor rising flood waters will destroy the Earth. So let’s not worry too much about global warming.  
    Shimkus 说道,这就是最确凿的证据,说明无论是人类的行为还是洪水都不会摧毁地球。所以不要太担心全球变暖。
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