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标题: 人体解剖学词汇复习第180-184弹 [打印本页]

作者: victor1211    时间: 2010-9-26 09:17
标题: 人体解剖学词汇复习第180-184弹
下纵束 inferior longitudinal fasciculus
钩束 uncinate fasciculus
扣带 cingulum
连合纤维 commissural fibers
胼胝体 corpus callosum
胼胝体压部 splenium of corpus callosum
胼胝体干 trunk of corpus callosum
胼胝体膝 genu of corpus callosum
胼胝体嘴 rostrum of corpus callosum
前连合 anterior commissure
穹窿 fornix
穹窿连合 commissure of fornix
投射纤维 projuction fibers
内囊 internal capsule
内囊前肢 anterior limb of internal capsule
内囊膝 genu of internal capsule
内囊后肢 posterio limb of internal capsule
侧脑室 lateral ventricle
中央部 central part
前角 anterior horn/ frontal horn
后角 posterior horn/ occipital horn
小角 inferior horn/ temporal horn
室间孔 interventricular foramen
侧脑室脉络丛 choroid plexus of lateral ventricle
边缘叶 limbic lobe
边缘系 limbic system
传导路 conductive pathway
感觉传导路 sensory pathway
深感觉传导路 deep sensory pathway
本体感觉传导路 proprioceptive sensory pathway
躯干、四肢本体感觉和精细触觉传导路 proprioceptive and fine touch sensory pathway of trunk and limbs
浅感觉传导路 superificial sensory pathway
躯干、四肢痛温觉和粗略触觉传导路 pain, temperature and simple touch pathway of trunk and limbs
头面部痛温觉和粗略触觉传导路 pain, temperature and simple touch pathway of head and faces
视觉传导路 vesual pathway
瞳孔对光反射 pupillary refexes
听觉传导路 auditory pathway
平衡觉传导路 equilibratroy pathway
运动传导路 motor pathway
锥体系 pyramidal system
上运动神经元 upper motor neurons
下运动神经元 lower motor neurons
皮质核束 corticonuclear tract
皮质脊髓束 corticospinal tract
锥体外系 extrapyramidal system
新纹状体--苍白球系 system of neostriatum-globus pauidus
皮质--脑桥--小脑系 corticopontocerebellar system
额桥束 frontopontine tract
顶枕颞桥束 parieto-occipito-temporo-pontine tract
丘脑前辐射 anterior thalamic radiations
丘脑前辐射 anterior thalamic radiations
丘脑中央辐射 central thalamic radiations
听辐射 acoustic radiation
视辐射 optic radiation
脑脊膜和血管 meningesand blood vessels
脑脊膜 meninges
硬模 dura mater
硬脊膜 dura mater
硬脊膜 spinal dura mater
硬膜外隙 epidural space
硬膜下系 subdural space
硬脑膜 cerebral dura mater
大脑镰 cerebral falx
小脑幕 tentorium of cerebellum
幕切迹 tentorial incisure
硬脑膜窦 sinuses of dura mater
上矢状窦 superior sagittal sinus
下矢状窦 inferior sagittal sinus
直窦 straight sinus
横窦 transverse sinus
岩上窦 superior petrosal sinus
岩下窦 inferior petrosal sinus
乙状窦 sigmiod sinus
窦汇 confluence of sinus
海绵窦 cavernous sinus
蛛网膜 arachnoid mater
脊髓蛛网膜 spinal arachnoid mater
脑蛛网膜 cerebral arachnoid mater
蛛网膜下隙 subarachnoid space
蛛网膜下池 subarachnoid cisterns
小脑延髓池 cerebellomedullary cistern
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