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标题: 人体解剖学词汇复习第110到114弹 [打印本页]

作者: victor1211    时间: 2010-2-20 14:59
标题: 人体解剖学词汇复习第110到114弹
子宫体 body of uterus
子宫颈 neck of uterus
子宫颈阴道上部 supravaginal part of cervix
子宫颈阴道部 vaginal part of cervix
子宫峡 isthmus of uterus
子宫腔 cavity of uterus
子宫颈管 canal of cervix of uterus
子宫口 orifice of uterus/ uterine orifice
前屈 anteflexion
前倾 anteversion
子宫阔韧带 broad ligament of uterus
卵巢系膜 mesovarium
输卵管系膜 mesosalpinx
子宫系膜 mesometrium
子宫圆韧带 round ligament of uterus
子宫主韧带 cardinal ligament of uterus
骶子宫韧带 uterosacral ligament
直肠子宫襞 tectouterine fold
阴道 vagina
阴道穹 fornix of vagina
阴道口 vaginal orifice
处 女膜 hymen
处 女膜痕 carunculae hymenales
女性外生殖器 female external genital organs
女阴 female pudendum/ vulva
阴阜 mons pubis
大阴CUN greater lip of pudendum
唇前连合 anterior labial commissure
唇后连合 posterior labial commissure
小阴CUN lesser lip of pudendum
阴CUN系带 frenulum of pudendal labia
阴道前庭 vaginal vestibule
阴蒂 clitoris
阴蒂脚 crus of clitoris
阴蒂体 body of clitoris
阴蒂头 glans of clitoris
阴蒂包皮 prepuce of clitoris
前庭球 bulb of vestibule
前庭大腺 great vestibular gland
乳房 mamma/breast
乳头 nupple/mammary papilla
乳晕 areola of breast
乳晕腺 areola glands
乳腺 mammary gland
乳腺叶 lobes of mammary gland
乳腺小叶 lobules of mammary gland
输乳管 lactiferous ducts
输乳管窦 lactiferous sinuses
乳房悬韧带 suspensour ligaments of breast
会阴 perimeum
尿生殖区 urogenital region
肛区 anal region
盆隔 pelvic diaphragm
会阴中心腱 perineal central tendon/ perineal body
盆隔裂孔 hiatus of pelvic diaphragm
肛提肌 levator ani
前列腺提肌 levator prostatae
耻尾肌 pubococcygeus
耻骨直肠肌 puborectalis
耻骨阴道肌 pubovaginalis
髂尾肌 iliococcygeus
肛提肌腱弓 tendinous arch of levator ani
肛尾韧带 anococcygeal ligament
尾骨肌 coccygeus
盆筋膜 pelvic fascia
盆壁筋膜 parietal pelvic fascia
盆脏筋膜 viceral pelvic fascia
闭孔筋膜 obturator fascia
前列腺筋膜 prostatic fascia
腹膜会阴筋膜 peritoneoperineal fascia
直肠膀胱隔 rectovesical septum
直肠阴道隔 rectovaginal septum
盆膈上筋膜 superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm
盆隔小筋膜 inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm
肛区 anal region
肛门外括约肌 sphincter ani externus
作者: 小唛    时间: 2010-2-20 15:48
作者: rainsnowly    时间: 2014-12-12 20:12
very good  谢谢
作者: rainsnowly    时间: 2014-12-12 20:12
very good  谢谢
作者: 锦心素颜    时间: 2014-12-12 21:20
作者: 杜金    时间: 2014-12-23 20:20



作者: qgr1985    时间: 2014-12-30 22:33
作者: 锦心素颜    时间: 2015-9-30 06:45

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