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标题: 人体解剖学词汇复习第七十五到七十九弹 [打印本页]

作者: victor1211    时间: 2009-12-25 21:53
标题: 人体解剖学词汇复习第七十五到七十九弹
腹股沟区 inguinal region/iliac region
消化系统 alimentary system/digestive apprartus
消化管 digestive tube/digestive tract
口腔 oral cavity
口腔前庭 oral vestibule
口裂 oral fissure/orifice of mouth
口角 angle of mouth
固有口腔 oral cavity proper
口唇 oral lips
人中 philtrum
鼻唇沟 sulcus nasolabialis
上唇系带 frenulum of upper lip
下唇系带 frenulum of lower lip
唇腺 labial glands
颊 cheek
颊脂体 buccal fat pad
腭 palate
硬腭 hard palate
软腭 soft palate
腭帆 velum palatinum/palatine velum
腭垂 uvula
腭舌弓 palatoglossal arch
腭咽弓 palatopharyngeal arch
咽峡 isthmus of fauces
牙 teeth
乳牙 deciduous teeth
恒牙 permanent teeth/permanent tooth
迟牙 third molar/wisdom tooth
切牙 incisors/incisor
尖牙 canine teeth/canine tooth
前磨牙 premolars/bicuspid tooth
磨牙 molars/molar
牙冠 crown of tooth
牙根 root of tooth
牙颈 neck of tooth
牙冠腔 pulp chamber
牙根管 root canal/pulp canal
牙根尖孔 apical foramen
牙髓 dental pulp
牙质 dentine
釉质 enamel
粘合质 cement/cementum
牙周膜 periodontal membrane/periodontium
牙龈 gum/gingiva
舌 tongue
舌背 dorsum of tongue
界沟 terminal sulcus
舌体 body of tongue
舌根 root of tongue
舌尖 apex of tongue
舌盲孔 foramen cecum of tongue
舌下面 inferior surface of tongue
舌系带 frenulum of tongue
舌下阜 sublingual caruncle
舌下襞 sublingual fold
舌粘膜 lingual mucous membrane
舌乳头 papillae of tongue/lingua papillae
轮廓乳头 vallate papillae
菌状乳头 fungiform papillae
丝状乳头 filiform papillae
叶状乳头 foliate papillae
味蕾 taste bud
舌扁桃体 lingual tonsil
舌肌 muscles of tongue
舌内肌 intrinsic muscles of tongue
上纵肌 superior longitudinal muscle
下纵肌 inferior longitudinal muscle
舌横肌 transverse muscle of tongue
舌垂直肌 vertical muscle of tongue
舌外肌 extrinsic muscles of tongue
颏舌肌 genioglossus
舌骨舌肌 hyogolssus
茎突舌肌 styloglossus
口腔腺 oral glands/glands of oral cavity
腮腺 parotid gland
腮腺管 parotid duct
副腮腺 accessory parotid gland
下颌下腺 submandibular gland
下颌下腺管 submandibular duct
舌下腺 sublingual gland
舌下腺大管 major sublingual duct
舌下腺小管 minor sublingual duct
作者: 我就是我1    时间: 2009-12-25 21:54
作者: liyun3390    时间: 2009-12-26 17:59
作者: rainsnowly    时间: 2014-12-12 17:36
very good
作者: 杜金    时间: 2014-12-23 20:12



作者: qgr1985    时间: 2014-12-30 22:22
作者: 锦心素颜    时间: 2015-10-1 08:23

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